Homeowners these days aren’t just clicking on the first home service provider they see; they’re looking for services that come stamped with a seal of approval from trusted reviews and top-tier ratings. They want the peace of mind that comes from making the right choice for their homes, backed by a long list of happy customers. Our 2023 Homeowner Insights Report tells us that once homeowners consider price, they turn to your online reviews and ratings. A strong online presence is non-negotiable.

Branded Programs connects the dots between what homeowners want and how they choose— then connecting them with the top trusted brands in our network. Attracting qualified leads and establishing yourself as a trusted choice is a top priority. Modernize’s Branded Programs offers a powerful solution to achieve both of these goals.

Alex Velasco, the Branded Programs product owner, explains, “We offer a variety of different ways to expand awareness for your brand and gain access to leads through Bestcompany.com, which we’ve recently acquired.” This acquisition has made the Branded Programs possible, enabling us to connect homeowners with trusted brands through a review management platform and funneling leads directly to contractors.

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What is Branded Programs and How Does It Work? 

Imagine having an online storefront that showcases your expertise and attracts potential customers actively seeking your services. Our Branded Programs create exactly that environment. Here’s a breakdown of the key benefits: 

  • Exclusive Lead Generation: A Branded Programs provides a dedicated landing page that funnels qualified leads directly to you. Homeowners who discover your profile on bestcompany.com and choose to connect through your landing page will be directed exclusively to you. This maximizes your return on investment by eliminating competition for leads. 
  • Craft a Brand Story: Branded Programs empowers you to create a detailed profile on bestcompany.com. Your profile acts like a digital brochure, allowing you to tell your company’s story. Highlight your unique selling points, expertise, and experience with written content. Showcase your commitment to quality by including positive reviews and video testimonials from satisfied customers. 
  • Expand Your Reach: Modernize uses a multi-layered approach to drive homeowner traffic to your bestcompany.com profile. This includes strategic social media advertising, targeted online placements, and featuring your company on relevant comparison pages within the platform. This ensures that potential customers searching for contractors in areas you service will encounter your brand, boosting brand awareness and consideration. 

How Branded Programs Facilitates Customer Acquisition 

A homeowner seeking a contractor comes across a Modernize ad or a relevant comparison page on Bestcompany.com. 

Interested by your company’s offerings, they click on your profile. There, they see a wealth of information, including your provided services, service areas, customer reviews, and video testimonials. This transparency builds trust and positions your company as a reliable choice.

The homeowner has two options: they can click through to your dedicated landing page to submit their contact information or contact you directly through the unique phone number provided on your profile. This approach caters to homeowner preferences, ensuring you capture leads regardless of their communication style. 

What You Get With Branded Programs 

  • Higher Appointment Rates: Since homeowners have already explored your profile and gained a clear understanding of your services, they’re more likely to be qualified leads who are genuinely interested in what you offer. This translates into higher appointment setting rates, as initial outreach has already addressed basic questions and homeowner concerns. 
  • Trust and Familiarity: The exposure to your brand through your profile, positive reviews, and contact information creates a sense of familiarity with potential customers. This familiarity builds trust, leading to more productive conversations with qualified leads who are already somewhat familiar with your company. 

“Our current Branded Program clients see appointment rates of 65% on average, which is at times double the amount they see with leads from other sources,” says Velasco. 

Broad-Based Media: Extending Reach and Building Awareness  

Our Branded Programs don’t stop at Bestcompany.com. Modernize also leverages broad-based media to enhance your brand’s visibility. Broadbased media involves advertorials and articles on popular platforms like Yahoo, featuring links that direct homeowners to your very own branded landing page. This approach targets homeowners at various stages of their buying journey, from initial research to final decision-making. 

Higher Funnel Engagement: Broad-based media captures homeowners who are in the early stages of their search, reading articles and exploring options. The advertorials highlight your brand’s strengths and direct potential customers to learn more about your services. 

Increased Volume: Sure, broad-based media might not convert leads as quickly as lower funnel tactics, but it dramatically increases your lead volume. This strategy keeps your brand front and center as homeowners inch closer to making a decision. 

Customization: Creative content for broad-based media campaigns is tailored to fit your brand’s style guide while following our approved guidelines. We collaborate with you to ensure everything aligns with your voice and messaging. 

The Importance of Reviews and Their Value 

We live in a world where everyone’s a critic. And those critics, aka your customers, hold a lot of power. Online reviews are the lifeblood of your brand’s credibility. Homeowners these days don’t just take your word for it—they want to hear from others who’ve been in their shoes.  

  • Building Credibility: Think of reviews as your digital word-of-mouth. When potential customers see a string of glowing reviews, it’s like getting a nod of approval from a trusted friend. It makes them think, “Hey, these guys know what they’re doing!” That kind of trust is priceless and makes you the obvious choice over the competition. 
  • Enhancing Visibility: Search engines love companies with loads of positive reviews. More reviews mean better visibility, which means more eyeballs on your profile, and ultimately, more leads. It’s a beautiful cycle of visibility and credibility. 
  • Encouraging Engagement: Reviews are a treasure trove of customer insights. They spotlight what you’re doing right and where you might need to tweak things. Listening to your customers’ praise and constructive criticism helps you improve your services. 
  • Creating a Feedback Loop: Responding to reviews—good and bad—shows you care about what your customers think. It’s about showing you’re dedicated to continuous improvement. This kind of engagement builds even more trust and keeps the conversation going. 

According to our 2023 Homeowner Insights Report, 25% see lack of communication as a major deal-breaker. Ensuring a strong online presence with positive reviews and maintaining open communication builds trust and secures contracts. 

Branded Programs and Snoball Review Management 

Modernize recognizes the importance of online reputation management in today’s digital age. That’s why our Branded Programs come with a complimentary three-month trial of Snoball review management services. Here’s how Snoball helps you leverage online reviews: 

  • Automated Review Generation: Snoball automates the process of reaching out to past customers, prompting them to leave reviews on your behalf. This increases the volume of positive reviews on your profile, improving your online credibility and attracting new customers. 
  • Centralized Review Management: Snoball provides a user-friendly platform where you can easily view, respond to, and manage all your reviews on the Bestcompany.com platform. This comprehensive solution streamlines the review management process, allowing you to maintain a positive online reputation with minimal effort. 

Take the Next Step 

We can help you assess your specific needs and determine if our Branded Programs are the right fit for your company’s growth strategy.  

Learn more about Branded Programs here