Statewide Remodeling

Statewide Remodeling


Statewide Remodeling

Frequently Asked Questions

Does Statewide Remodeling offer free project estimates?
Yes, Statewide Remodeling offers free project estimates.
What is Statewide Remodeling's warranty or guarantee policy?
Statewide Remodeling offers a lifetime warranty, workmanship guarantee, product-specific warranties, and transferable warranties.
Are there any services Statewide Remodeling does not offer?
Statewide Remodeling does not offer general contracting, HVAC services, electrical work, plumbing services, and flooring installation.
Does Statewide Remodeling have any eco-friendly practices or accreditations?
Statewide Remodeling incorporates several eco-friendly practices such as energy-efficient products, water conservation, sustainable materials, and ENERGY STAR certification.
What safety measures does Statewide Remodeling have in place during projects?
Statewide Remodeling implements several safety measures during projects such as licensed and insured contractors, employee training, use of personal protective equipment, job site safety protocols, lead-safe practices, compliance with building codes, and emergency preparedness.
How does Statewide Remodeling manage and dispose of construction waste?
Statewide Remodeling manages and disposes of construction waste through ImproveIt! Home Remodeling manages and disposes of construction waste through waste segregation, recycling, partnerships with recycling facilities, proper disposal of hazardous materials, minimizing waste, job site cleanliness, and post-project cleanup.
What is Statewide Remodeling's preferred method of communication?
Statewide Remodeling's preferred method of communication is by by phone, email, or online contact forms.
What financing options does Statewide Remodeling offer?
Statewide Remodeling offers low-interest financing, no-interest financing, long-term financing plans, deferred payment options, custom financing solutions, and credit-based financing.
Does Statewide Remodeling assist in securing financing?
Yes, Statewide Remodeling assists homeowners in securing financing for their home improvement projects.