Does Victory Home Remodeling offer free project estimates?
Yes, Victory Home Remodeling offers free project estimates.
What is Victory Home Remodeling's warranty or guarantee policy?
Victory Home Remodeling offers a 100% comprehensive lifetime warranty on all their services.
Are there any services Victory Home Remodeling does not offer?
Victory Home Remodeling does not offer interior remodeling services such as kitchen or bathroom renovations, flooring, or interior painting.
Does Victory Home Remodeling have any eco-friendly practices or accreditations?
Victory Home Remodeling incorporates several eco-friendly practices into their services such as installing energy-efficient windows and energy-saving materials.
What safety measures does Victory Home Remodeling have in place during projects?
Victory Home Remodeling implements several safety measures during their projects including designated work zones, communication with both construction workers and customers, protective measures for family and pets, adherence to OSHA standards, proper use of safety equipment, and ventilation to avoid exposure to toxic fumes.
How does Victory Home Remodeling manage and dispose of construction waste?
Victory Home Remodeling manages and disposes of construction waste through waste management plans, recycling and reusing of materials, hazardous waste management, reducing packaging waste, and regular inspections and training.
What is Victory Home Remodeling's preferred method of communication?
Victory Home Remodeling's preferred method of communication is phone calls, online contact forms, email, and SMS/text messaging.
What financing options does Victory Home Remodeling offer?
Victory Home Remodeling offers plans that require no money down and financing terms that can extend up to 10 years.
Does Victory Home Remodeling assist in securing financing?
Yes, Victory Home Remodeling assists in securing financing for their customers' home improvement projects.