Sara Kendall

Sara is a homeowner in Austin, TX. She specializes in residential solar energy, particularly in regards to what states are doing to make solar affordable and in how homeowners can easily understand the costs and terms associated with installing solar panels. Sara is also Modernize’s home design expert, weighing in on everything from flooring choices to making small bathrooms and kitchens functional to picking siding and porch décor. Since becoming a homeowner, she has had two separate pipes burst, experienced a hard freeze and was without water or power for a week, and lived through several hurricanes. She values making home maintenance and care as easy as possible. Sara eagerly awaits the day colored appliances become affordable – she hates stainless steel.

Most Recent

8 Questions to Consider Before Your DIY Bathroom Remodel
So you’ve caught the DIY bug and are feeling inspired by the new year to tackle your own DIY bathroom remodel — congratulations!…
Linoleum vs Vinyl Floors
Vinyl and linoleum are similar flooring products. Both are easy to clean, fairly inexpensive, and easy to install or have installed. There…
Using Repurposed Furniture as a Bathroom Vanity
One of the biggest trends in bathroom remodeling today is using repurposed furniture as bathroom vanities. Not only do recycled vanities…
Six Warning Signs That Your Furnace May Be Failing
Have you ever woken up freezing on a cold winter’s night? If you haven’t accidentally left the window open, chances are your…
Versatility with Stainless Steel Backsplashes
For any professional chef, there is a certain pleasure derived from seeing a commercial kitchen with all its sleek stainless steel…