Effective email marketing builds relationships with leads and maintains connections with current and past customers. As a home improvement contractor, investing in your email marketing list expands your marketing strategy and increases business opportunities in the future. 

Whether you want to improve your current email marketing strategy or build this system from scratch, these email marketing tips will give you the best practices and explain how you can use email marketing. 

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Why Email Marketing is Effective for Home Improvement Businesses

Email marketing is a form of direct marketing: the practice of sending emails to your list of leads and customers. These homeowners have permitted you to contact them through email. Email marketing helps you drive sales, inform customers, and build your brand.  

In the past, email marketing was a way to mass mail your list with information. Now, the industry has shifted from a one-size-fits-all approach to personal and direct communication.

As a home improvement business owner, you benefit from email marketing because it allows you to maintain communication with people in your sales funnel. Marketing automation gives you the control to share different messages with different audiences. For example, you can have specific messages going out to new leads and other messages going to past customers. The goal is to build and maintain relationships so people come back when they need your services in the future. 

Tips to Drive Revenue with Email Marketing

Sending one email will not necessarily make a noticeable difference in your profitability. But a strategic approach and online email newsletters foster the relationships that lead to significant financial benefits in the future. Leveraging email marketing allows you to nurture these leads using a one-to-many approach.

Here are a few tips that will boost your revenue using email marketing: 

  • Build a relevant contact list, so your email subscribers are active and engaged in the messages you are sharing. 
  • Segment the lists so each newsletter is relevant to where the person is in the sales funnel. 
  • Add value through discounts and promotions, proving your expertise in the industry. 
  • Include calls to action to invite people to schedule a consultation or refer others to your services. 
  • Test email open rates, conversion rates, and other applicable data to see how your campaigns perform. High conversion rates mean your leads are continuously flowing through your pipeline.
  • Leverage email automation to ensure your messages go out at the perfect time. 

There is a fine line between building relationships through email marketing and spamming your subscribers. A good rule of thumb is to always focus on value: quality over quantity. Send email messages consistently, but make sure you deliver value in every message. 

Growing and Nurturing Your Customer Base

You can nurture your current and past customers with email messages that build relationships and loyalty. As a lead becomes more familiar with your brand, trust is established – which eventually brings in the sale. Therefore, keeping customers engaged is the most critical factor determining whether email marketing leads to future sales. 

Examples of lead nurturing emails include: 

  • Welcoming a new subscriber 
  • A support guide or informational resource 
  • Sharing links to connect on social accounts 
  • Ongoing industry updates
  • Promotions

Make it personal. Instead of using a generic email address, make sure the messages are coming from someone in the company. For example, use a name that people recognize to show that it is personal communication. Finally, nurture the leads by giving someone the option to unsubscribe if they no longer want to hear from your business. 

Track your email marketing efforts to see how these marketing campaigns bring in sales. Then, adjust your approach to optimize your marketing strategy over time. 

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