The decision to install a walk-in tub can be an emotional experience for a homeowner. However, these renovations aren’t only about improving a home – the family needs to adjust the property layout to accommodate the changing health needs of a loved one. 

As a bathroom remodeler, understanding the homeowner experience for walk-in tubs can help you shape your sales pitch to meet the needs of each person you meet. When you are focusing on homeowner priorities, then it’s easier to close each deal. In addition, homeowners will see the value you are offering, helping to build trust and confidence in the quality of your services. 

If you want to maximize the deals that come from your walk-in tub leads, then make sure to create an unforgettable appointment experience with these tips. 

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Understand What Homeowners are Looking for at Each Appointment 

Gaining insights about the person’s unique life circumstances helps you cater the conversation to discuss the person’s priorities. 

Since you are offering walk-in tubs, you need to understand more about the aging-in-place demographic. What are the pain points these homeowners are experiencing that motivate them to invest in a walk-in tub project?  

For example, most homeowners are looking for solutions to maintain independence in their homes as long as possible. As mobility decreases, aging homeowners need adaptive features to support daily activities. As you gain more insights about this homeowner persona, you can make the homeowner’s life a little easier. Addressing specific concerns helps build trust with the homeowner.  

Be Professional by Being Prepared

Your level of preparation will show from the moment you walk through the door. Homeowners have more confidence in the quality of your services when they can see that you prepared for the appointment. In addition, showing up with pictures and project information communicates a message of responsiveness and commitment to customer satisfaction.  

Show each homeowner that you are ready to discuss as much as possible about the project at the first appointment— being prepared will help gain the homeowner’s trust. Finally, go the extra mile to impress homeowners by coming prepared with a cost analysis and portfolio of your work.

Create a Plan After the Appointment is Complete

Your work is just getting started when the initial appointment is complete. Now, your follow-through strategies will determine whether your walk-in tub leads can turn into paying customers.  

Communication after the appointment shows the homeowner that you are on top of things. When the meeting is over, the next step is to create a plan of action: 

  • Provide a final estimate for the project. 
  • Recap the details shared in the appointment. 
  • Highlight what the homeowner should expect moving forward.  

Following up is crucial because you want to keep the homeowner in the loop at all times.  

Finding Walk-in Tub Leads Online 

When you know more about your homeowners, you create an unforgettable homeowner experience. At Modernize, we have proven systems in place to keep you busy with vetted leads. Talk to our knowledgeable team today to learn more about connecting you with homeowners seeking your services.  

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