This summer, we released our annual Homeowner Sentiment Report findings, resulting from a recent survey of more than 23,000 homeowners. It includes a special set of questions about how homeowners find contractors and do research. Download the ebook for the data and actionable insights.

Google is one of the first places homeowners look when they are ready to hire a contractor for home improvement services. Not only are people looking for companies in the area, but they want to learn more about the contractor’s reputation. As a result, online reviews are becoming more popular for homeowners to consider when choosing from available contractors in the area. In fact, other than price, online reviews were deemed the most important factor when selecting a contractor by 30% of our homeowners.

In this article, you will get a closer look at why reviews are so critical, the steps you can take to get more and better reviews, and how to handle bad reviews.

Table of Contents

Getting More Reviews

The more reviews you have, the better your website will rank in the search engines because. Plus potential customers will view your company favorably.

Encourage customers to leave reviews on their digital platforms of choice: social media, Google My Business, website submission, and more. A variety of reviews on all of these platforms casts a wider net so other leads will see reviews no matter where they are looking.

Make it simple for customers to share their reviews. For example, you might reach out with an email that invites the customer to post a review, along with links to places where the reviews can be posted. Also, offer suggestions about what people can share in their reviews – their experience, which services they received, how they felt about the interaction, and whether they are happy with the outcome.

Better Reviews

One strategy for improving the quality of your customer reviews is by helping customers see the value they received. For example, ask them about the concerns they had before hiring your team or objections that came up about the services. Learn why each customer hired you and why it was worth the investment.

These types of reviews can help you overcome potential objections from future leads. For example, suppose you have reviews with quotes about how your services were worth the cost. In that case, it might help other potential customers overcome the same hang-ups about moving forward on a home improvement project.

Ideally, you should have reviews that handle every type of objection you receive from future prospects. First, write out a list of these common objections, then consolidate the best reviews that address each of these objections.

Another way to add to the validity of the reviews is to pair the written review with before and after photos. The pictures are worth a thousand words – showing the results you can deliver.

Handling Bad Reviews

Even if you have a long list of satisfied customers, there are times when negative reviews might slip through. Always encourage customers to share truthful reviews – and be ready to manage the situation when bad reviews show up.

When responding to bad reviews, avoid being defensive about the situation. Instead, it is best to show empathy. Apologize about the situation and reassure the customer that you want to correct the perceived problems. Do everything you can to make it right.

Remember that other people will see how you respond to these negative reviews. When negative reviews are handled poorly, it could be the reason a homeowner hires one of your competitors instead. On the other hand, the level of customer service you offer can be the tipping point that encourages homeowners to move forward with your services.

Reviews Build Your Brand and Reputation

When you are proactive about getting online reviews, improving the quality of these reviews, and responding to negative reviews, it helps you connect with more homeowners who are searching for your services.


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