Anytime you alter your home, you’ll need to see if local authorities require you to have a permit like they would for you building a deck or any other home improvement project. If you are simply repairing your vinyl siding, it is possible you will not have to acquire a local siding permit for the job to be completed. Your best approach is to get in touch with the Home Development authority in your county to find out exactly what you can expect as far as vinyl siding installation requirements and permit fees might be attached. However, most likely the vinyl siding contractor you hire should be able to help you figure out any of this information without too much trouble.
Once your vinyl siding install is complete, you may need to have a follow up siding inspection to make sure it was installed properly and everything is up to code for your local community standards. You can usually figure out what exactly you will need siding permit wise online and often get it approved the same day.