COVID-19 has put a halt on building in-person relationships, but that doesn’t mean that your lead generation strategies have to suffer. Home improvement contractors who previously had a strong customer network are often unaware of the techniques they can use to build relationships in an online world. 

Building homeowner relationships online can be a powerful way for contractors to connect with homeowners who need your services. Through technology, you can learn how to build relationships and develop a powerful way to fill your schedule and grow your business. Staying current with these trends can help your business remain relevant in a digital business world. 

Table of Contents

1. Always Exceed Homeowner Expectations

It’s better to over-deliver and leave your homeowners feeling “wow-ed” by your service, rather than over-promise and fall short in desired results. If you are proactive with your service, then there’s a higher chance homeowners will be optimistic about the interactions with your company. Talk to people, answer their questions, and make each homeowner feel special. Customer service is just as important as the physical labor required to repair or service their equipment. 

2. Focus on Customer Retention

Most marketing experts will agree that retaining a current customer is easier than recruiting a new customer. When you treat each homeowner right, they will turn into repeat business. Ideally, you build solid client relationships so they feel comfortable calling you when they need services or maintenance from you in the future. 

3. Connect on Social Media

When you have limited opportunities for in-person conversations, look for ways to talk to current and potential homeowners online. Social media is a pivotal tool for maintaining connection, especially through the pandemic. Establish a solid social media presence for your contracting business and start producing content to share useful, interesting information with your audience: tips, memes, news stories, current deals, and company updates. 

4. Ask for Feedback 

How have your homeowner’s needs changed in the past year? Look for ways to open up a two-way conversation about how the health crisis has impacted people. You might consider picking up the phone to talk to a few homeowners each day. Another option is to send an email requesting survey responses and suggestions. Practice active listening, then look for ways to use this constructive feedback to improve your business. 

5. Personalize Communication

Instead of blasting your whole email list with mass communication, be strategic in using customer analytics to dial in your messaging. For example, the homeowner relationships you have with current clients are very different than the interactions that should happen with potential leads. If you want to learn how to build homeowner relationships, consider your audience and make sure the messages align with your goals. 

6. Create Unbeatable Value 

What is the value proposition that makes you stand out from other businesses in the area? When you know your homeowner needs, then you can tailor your services and marketing to communicate the benefits they will receive from your company. Invest in new products or services that best serve the needs of your clientsShare reviews in all of your communication. Also, take the time to build client relationships by educating each homeowner about the quality of services you are offering. 

7. Say “Thank You”

Home improvement businesses can follow these strategies to develop a solid homeowner relationship. If you need help finding other leads in your area, then reach out to our Modernize team. We bring homeowners and service providers together, giving you access to a source of qualified leads for your business. 

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