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Modernize’s Live Transfers connect you directly with pre-screened homeowners.


In this high-speed digital age, where everyone’s looking for quick wins and efficient solutions, Live Transfers in lead generation have a kind of magnetic charm. It’s that golden promise—a fast, direct connection with a potential customer, right when they’re most interested. This method not only boosts close rates but significantly increases the value of each customer interaction by directly connecting you with homeowners when their interest is at its peak. It changes how sales pipelines are built and nurtured, aligning real-time interest with immediate contact.

Understanding Live Transfers 

Once a homeowner submits their requirements online, indicating their immediate needs, this information reaches Modernize’s contact center. Then the team activates the transfer. Our center’s agents quickly verify the homeowner’s details to ensure accuracy and applicability. They confirm details such as the legitimacy of homeownership and the specific nature of the requested service, making sure it aligns with what the contractor offers. 

With our new conference call feature, after verification, instead of placing the homeowner on a brief hold, our agent directly initiates a conference call. The homeowner and the contractor are brought into the call simultaneously, enhancing the connection process and reducing the waiting time for both parties. The agent provides essential details about the homeowner and facilitates an introduction. For example, they might say, “I have Joe Smith on the line, his phone number is 555-555-5555. Joe, you’re now connected with the contractor. I’ll be on the line for a moment to ensure everything is clear for both of you.” 

This direct and simultaneous connection allows you to engage with a homeowner who is fully prepared to discuss the project details and potentially set up an appointment. After ensuring a smooth handover, the agent exits the conversation, allowing you to discuss the specifics of the project directly with the homeowner. 

This directly connects you to a homeowner who is fully prepared to discuss the project details and potentially set up an appointment. 

To make this whole process transparent, we record the call on our end through the transfer and on your end to ensure proper compliance, as well as provide a resource for training purposes as you work with our team. 

Why Educating Your Warm Leads is Key to Success 

The real magic of Live Transfers happens after the call connects. Terri Schwope, Modernize’s Product Owner on Live Transfers, drives home the point that it’s all about enlightening the homeowner, not overwhelming them with a hard sell.  

“You have to educate these homeowners more than you have to sell to them…a lot of contractors don’t want to do that.” Terri Schwope – Program Manager, Live Transfers 

This reluctance often leads to underutilized leads. It’s crucial for contractors to understand that educating the homeowner about the process, the benefits, and the unique selling points of their service is what will likely convert an interested caller into a committed customer. 

Building Trust Through Information 

Trust is essential in any sales process, but it is especially important in the home improvement industry where projects often involve significant investment. Live Transfers offer an opportunity to build trust from the very first interaction. By focusing on transparency and providing detailed, relevant information, contractors can make homeowners feel more secure in their decision to proceed. This trust-building starts with understanding the homeowner’s needs, addressing their concerns, and providing clear, informative answers to their questions.  

Customization and Consistency  

The success of Live Transfers also depends on the ability to customize the approach to fit different trades and homeowner expectations. Modernize tailors each transfer process with customized scripts to ensure relevance. This level of customization not only satisfies homeowners’ immediate questions but also maintains the quality and consistency of each transfer, increasing your chances to convert.  

Optimizing Team Preparedness 

Despite their potential, Live Transfers come with their own set of challenges, particularly around availability. Variability in team member availability can drastically affect the success rates of these transfers. Terri Schwope highlights how these inconsistencies can disrupt the smooth operation of transfers, emphasizing the need to manage staffing efficiently. You want to make sure your team is primed and ready to handle the lead, maximizing the opportunity on the spot. This effectively reduces the operating expenses across your systems and processes. 

The Role of Education in Sales Conversion 

There’s a common misconception that needs to be addressed: not every transfer will—or should—convert into an instant sale. Grasping this subtlety is key, especially if you are aiming to really tap into what Live Transfers have to offer. We are happy to announce that even though this is a higher price point product we see more efficient appointment set rates on Live Transfers vs other offerings.  

The effectiveness of Live Transfers depends on the contractor’s approach post-transfer. Terri Schwope notes the key to conversion is education, not hard selling.  

“You have to educate these homeowners more so than you have to sell to them…a lot of contractors don’t want to do that,” Terri explains.  

This educational approach is crucial because a well-informed homeowner is more likely to make a confident decision. Contractors need to focus on explaining the process, the benefits of their service, and what differentiates them from their competitors. 

Improve Business Success 

Live Transfers facilitate meaningful engagements when homeowners are ready to listen. It starts with a handshake over the phone and ends with project completion and homeowner satisfaction. Each step is meant to help you build a reputation for reliability and expertise. By using Live Transfers, you can predict steady business growth and promote stronger homeowner relationships.  

Get started with Live Transfers here.