When someone is searching on Google for a home contractor, their intention is different compared to a homeowner that comes through a lead generation company. The same holds true for every lead source. Because leads from different sources have different intentions, you need to adjust your campaigns for each source.

In this article, you will learn how to treat lead sources differently so you can optimize your conversion rates and bring in more deals.

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Social Media Leads

Social media advertisements bring in leads that are high in the sales funnel. These leads are showing interest in your services, but they are not yet ready to buy.

When designing sales and marketing materials for social media ads, make sure you are talking about the pain of the customer’s problem and how you can solve these issues.

The most important thing you can do is create a solid customer persona so you know what will speak to your audience. Then, it is easier to identify the pain points and desired benefits that people will pay for regarding your services.

Google Ads allows a lot of flexibility for creating customized campaigns based on user intent based on what the person typed into the search box. In fact, many experts agree that keyword intent is the most important aspect of paid search.

The phrase “high intent keywords” refers to the search phrases that signal the person is searching with the intention to buy. The action they take will likely lead to an immediate or later sale. An example of a high intent keyword is “bathroom renovation contractors in [city].”

A low intent keyword phrase indicates that the person is just looking for information and they are not ready to buy. For example, any keywords with “free” or “cheap” or “DIY” in the phrase indicates that the searcher is looking for online tutorials instead of a contractor to hire.

Targeting high intent keywords delivers the best ROI since the searcher indicates their intention to make a purchase. Therefore, stick with high intent keywords and eliminate low intent phrases from your Google Ads campaigns.

It is also important to see how the landing pages and sales scripts align with where customers are starting their journey. For example, the sales approach is very different for someone just looking for information vs. a customer who is ready to hire a contractor and move forward with the project.

Lead Generation Services

When you receive a lead through a lead generation service, then it means that these potential customers know they have a problem and are looking for solutions to solve this issue. It is common that these types of leads need a little time to work, so your sales team must be ready with ongoing communication to nurture the lead. A drip campaign can be an effective solution in this situation.

All of the sales and marketing materials you are creating to nurture these leads should focus on informing the potential customer and building value. This type of messaging builds trust, which increases the likelihood that the customer will move forward with your services.

Testing and Improving Your Marketing Materials

When a lead comes in, you have an opportunity to connect with that person and potentially close the deal – but only if your marketing messages are custom-designed to speak to the person’s unique needs and perspective. You must consider where the lead is coming from to design a sales funnel experience that builds trust and helps them move forward with your services.