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Pet-Proof Your Home Renovation

You're excited about your home renovation, but your pet probably doesn't agree. Here's how to keep your pet safe from the dangers of a home remodel.

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You’ve finally scheduled the contractors, the workers are coming at 8 a.m., the blueprints are spread out, and you’re ready for a complete overhaul! As you survey the room, you notice a furry face staring back at you. What will you do about your pet during your home renovation?

Puppy blocking its ears and looking up

During construction, if there’s too much noise, your pet may look for an escape. A lot of the heavy tools and sharp materials used during renovations also pose a danger to your pet. And finally, doors are often left wide open while contractors bring materials in and out, which can also allow a pet to get out. Use the below tips to help you create a plan to keep your pet safe, comfortable, and happy during this stressful time.

What to Avoid

Poisonous Materials

When you start getting down to the nitty-gritty of home renovation, almost anything could constitute a poison for a pet — cleansers, adhesives, or anything small enough to be accidentally swallowed. Keep these tucked away in cabinets, closets, or boxed up in the garage or basement.

Heavy Items

Whether you’re moving furniture or heavy appliances, or transporting plywood, pipe, or glass, your pet is in a dangerous situation if he or she isn’t kept away from such hazards.


From underfoot to under-vehicle, pets run the risk of getting trampled — or worse — if they’re in the way. Pets are also fearful of too many new people in the house and can behave territorially, which could result in scratches or bites.


From jackhammers to shouting workers, a home remodel can create a lot of racket — and that noise can affect your little furry friend! Animals react differently to fear: they can become aggressive or even so submissive that they relieve themselves on the floor.


The Pet-Friendly Plan of Action


If possible, introduce your pets to the people who will be in and out of your house. This makes everyone aware there is a pet in the house and to be cognizant of open doors and other hazards. When introducing your dogs to the construction crew, have the workers give them treats to make positive associations for your pet.

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Clean Up

Even if you’ve sufficiently pet-proofed your home, a renovation will bring many new and dangerous objects into the house — loose nails, sharp remnants, toxic adhesives, etc. Every possible poisonous material needs to be up and out of paw’s way. Cabinets need to be closed, buckets need to have their lids on, and adhesives and fillers need to be capped and put away.

Create a Safe Space

Choose a room that is far away from the noise and bustle and make it the special room for your pet. Play soft music to drown out the sounds of your renovation, and have favorite treats and toys — as well as food, water, a bed, and a litter box for cats — at the ready.

Distraction Activities

As soon as the crew arrives, take your dog for a lengthy walk or spend extended time in the backyard. Hit up the dog park or even take a trip hiking and exploring. Bonus: getting out of the house will also calm you down. If you can’t leave the house, hiding treats in nooks and crannies will give your pet a fun and distracting scavenger hunt.

Pup and Kitty Hotels

The easiest and safest plan of action? Find a sitter for your pets in a safe environment away from construction and noise. Take your animal to the local pet boarding facility, or use an app like Rover to find home pet-sitters in your area and get them out of harm’s way.

Be Prepared for Accidents

Have your emergency vet number easily accessible in case of any accidents. Everything from accidental ingestion of materials to physical injury will require fast thinking and a cool head. Pet insurance can offset any costs you may incur, but you want to make sure you have signed up at least 15 days in advance of the project so that you can use it if you need to.

As stressful as renovations can be for you, they can also take a toll on pets who don’t understand what’s happening. Take a moment to consider your dog or cat and how they may react, and figure out the best plan for your furry family.

Content provided by Healthy Paws Pet Insurance. Healthy Paws is one of the leading pet insurance program providers in the U.S. for dogs and cats, and is ranked #1 by customers on leading review websites.

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