Most contractors can agree that business development is challenging. First, you need to know where to connect with homeowners who need your services; then, you need to grab their attention. 

Finally, with the right marketing strategies, you can maximize your marketing budget to develop a pipeline of prospects who are ready to hire your team. But, where should you start to ensure your marketing strategy results in a profit? 

The first essential step is understanding homeowner preferences and where they are looking for information and services. Understanding these preferences will help you dial in your marketing efforts, resulting in scalable growth moving forward. 

Table of Contents

Investing in Digital Marketing

With the COVID pandemic and spike in the home improvement industry, digital marketing has become more important than ever. Most homeowners turn to the internet when it is time to start a home improvement project.  Our recent homeowner survey shows where homeowners are looking – and where your business needs to be so you can connect with these potential customers: 

  • 14 percent of homeowners use search engines like Google or Bing 
  • 8 percent of homeowners use home improvement sites like Modernize 
  • 6 percent of homeowners use social media 

Additionally, it is helpful to understand the factors that drive buying decisions. Price is the highest priority for most people. After price, 37 percent of homeowners look at online ratings and reviews when deciding who to hire. Based on these results, it is evident that the internet is a powerful tool for home improvement marketing.  

Expanding Your Digital Footprint 

Creating a website is just the first step in your digital marketing plan. Just because your website is online does not mean that customers will come running. Instead, the website is like a business card: you need to be proactive about sending people to the site to learn about your company. 

The most effective way to expand your online presence is through pay-per-click advertising and Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Check out our latest article to learn more about why your business needs SEO. To put it in simple terms:  

  • SEO = more traffic 
  • More traffic = more leads 
  • More leads = more deals 

Momentum builds over time. The more deals you are closing, the more you get online ratings and reviews, which increases your traffic and online reputation to bring in more customers. 

Going Social

The next step for your home improvement marketing strategy is to leverage social media. Social media marketing is versatile and helps your business in various ways. First, there is the organic approach or paid approach for social media marketing. 

  • Organic Social Media: Involves sharing content on different social media websites to get more engagement and impressions. 
  • Paid Social Media: Involves paying for online advertisements, so you show your message to targeted audiences. 

Paid media is a great way to increase your online presence quickly. You can pay for ads through social media sites and/or targeted keyword searches in Google or Bing. If you would like to learn more about social media marketing, check out our latest guide. 

Leverage Lead Generation Services 

The last tip for successful contractor marketing is to take advantage of opportunities through home improvement sites, such as Modernize. You have the opportunity to learn more about marketing, or better yet, form a partnership.  

When you partner with Modernize, you can rest assured that your investment is in good hands. Our team has years of applied knowledge, offering home improvement contractors our industry expertise and proven ability to improve their ROI. The goal of these marketing efforts is to scale your business in a way that works with your business model.  

As lead generation and contractor marketing experts, we handle the legwork necessary for connecting with new potential customers. Then, you receive quality leads, as well as weekly marketing strategies through our newsletter. Contact us today to see how Modernize can boost your results. 

Ready to grow your business?