COVID-19 news and updates change quickly and frequently. Some of the information in this article may soon be out of date. We will do our best to keep details updated during this challenging time. The article below reflects information as of August 3, 2020.

At Modernize, we continue to monitor the global COVID-19/Coronavirus outbreak and our country’s response on a national, state, and local level. We understand Modernize has an important role in keeping contractors and homeowners connected during these challenging times.

Modernize continues to be seen as a trusted online resource for homeowners. 

To increase homeowner insight for contractors, we survey our homeowners on a weekly basis to learn more about their home improvement preferences and pain points. We are currently asking homeowner’s about their project plans during COVID-19. 

Our most recent survey reveals homeowners are split on whether they would feel comfortable with an in-person appointment with a contractor. We found 50 percent of homeowners would not be comfortable meeting inside of their home. The other half said they would be willing at this time. As a contractor, how can you navigate both preferences to keep your staff and homeowners safe? 

Table of Contents

If a homeowner is not comfortable meeting in-person:

Many homeowners are not willing to meet in-person during this deadly pandemic. However, you can still conduct a virtual meeting —and close the deal— thanks in large part to virtual tools and best practices. Through our surveys, we’ve learned 30 percent of homeowners would be interested in a virtual consultation. 

Use virtual conferencing to host a meeting with interested homeowners. Many platforms are free to use. We have compiled our favorite virtual tools for all contractor trades here

During your call, you may need the homeowner to provide pictures or measurements to you. Be prepared for questions on how to measure. You may create a resource or checklist that helps instruct them to gather the information you need. And always, be patient. This will continue to build trust with the homeowner. We share more on how to navigate a virtual consultation in this recent article

Following up after a virtual appointment can also be essential for winning business. Some of our contractors have seen success with a two-call close

If a homeowner is comfortable meeting inside their home: 

If a homeowner is comfortable having you inside of their home, it is still paramount that you follow the COVID-19 guidelines issued by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and the World Health Organization (WHO) to keep yourself —and homeowners— safe as possible. 

Create a hands-free process for homeowners and your team, including when entering a home, your team should come equipped with cleaning materials to wipe down and sanitize areas before —and after— occupying them. You should also continue to social distance inside the home. If you are seated at a kitchen or dining room table, make sure you are at least 6 feet away from the homeowner.

This article shares detailed information for creating hands-free processes for homeowner appointments and installations. 

Regardless, remain patient and compassionate 

During this unprecedented time in history, many homeowners may want to wait to execute on their project, due to the fluidity of this pandemic. It is still important to understand what the homeowner needs— even if the project start is delayed a few weeks. 

Share what your team is able to accomplish now, and in the future. Make sure you remain professional and compassionate, even if the timing is not ideal. Patience for the situation at hand —and genuine interest in your homeowner’s needs— will help position your business for success and future opportunities.

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